Wheat is being collected through villages via wheat routing system & wheat is brought for cleaning at respective centres at both the places. Wheat is being tested using automatic & computerized wheat collection unit (WCU) installed at both the centres also connected with automatic weighing machine. Rama group maintains full transparency in checking HL & moisture percentage in raw wheat& thus built not only confidence in the farmers but through correct testing &weighment gets pure & unadulterated wheat.
Every farmer gets a printed slip after delivering wheat that shows quality, quantity, price & total amount payable for the wheat accepted. We ensure that the farmers are fairly paid and proper resting places are maintained so that farmers can rest and freshen themselves. Further to ensure that wheat so collected arrive in fresh state & free from disease causing bacteria the, wheat is immediately sent for grinding so as to process within short span so that products are produced fresh.
Rama group also organizes various health & fertility camps at village level & also arrange regular meetings to discuss the requirement of farmers & also provide the necessary material for getting wheat under “clean wheat production campaign” and also pays incentive for quality wheat. The group is constantly engaged to develop the socio economic status of its beloved farmers by bringing change in their life style.Rama group also arranges the following development programmes for the farmers:
- Arrange competitive, remunerative & prompt payments for the farmers for their wheat.
- Conduct training classes to educate farmers on the latest development in the field of wheat yield& management practices.
- Give incentive for quality wheat under clean wheat production scheme.
- Accept wheat throughout the year, every day
- Arrange high quality seeds, fertilizers& compounded cattle feed for the farmers at very minimal rates.